Daphne Billingsley

Daphne Billingsley

ChildcareTennessee, Regional Coordinator West

  • dbillingsley@cfmt.org

Before joining CFMT's ChildcareTennessee initiative, Daphne worked for over 20 years supporting children and families across Tennessee. During her career, she provided direct care and supervision for teens in group homes, helped develop child and public welfare policy, and managed foster care child permanency plans with many successful adoptive placements. She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Service Management.

Daphne is the West Tennessee Regional Coordinator and travels that region holding trainings on ChildcareTennessee.com and assisting child care agencies in applying for ChildcareTennessee's Support and Enhancement Grant.

When she’s not supporting child care agencies in her region, Daphne enjoys relaxing with a classic TV show on the couch with her rescue dog.

Team Members

Jordan Badura

Jordan Badura

Staff Accountant

  • jbadura@cfmt.org
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Daphne Billingsley

Daphne Billingsley

ChildcareTennessee, Regional Coordinator West

  • dbillingsley@cfmt.org
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Thomas Buford

Thomas Buford

Delek Fund for Hope, Program Director

  • delek@cfmt.org
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