Franklin Thurlow

Franklin Thurlow

Communications Associate

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Franklin Thurlow serves as Communications Associate, where he updates the CFMT website, manages ad traffic and analytics, and helps tell the stories of CFMT and the community via writing and social media.

A Colorado Springs native, Franklin graduated from East Texas Baptist University with a bachelor’s in public relations and a minor in marketing, and won 2022 Outstanding Student in PR/Communications. Franklin interned as a Communications Writer at Pioneer Utility Resources prior to joining CFMT.

“Getting to serve and interact with the vibrant community in Nashville and Middle Tennessee makes this job so fun and unique,” says Franklin. “Telling the stories that come out of the community is something I’ll never take for granted, and going to work every day with our amazing staff makes it even better.”

In his free time, Franklin enjoys watching or playing sports, being an avid Game of Thrones fan, snowboarding, reading, spending time with friends, or scrolling through TikTok.


Team Members

Jordan Badura

Jordan Badura

Staff Accountant

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Daphne Billingsley

Daphne Billingsley

ChildcareTennessee, Regional Coordinator West

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Thomas Buford

Thomas Buford

Delek Fund for Hope, Program Director

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