Whit Gardner

Whit Gardner

ChildcareTennessee Communications and Marketing Coordinator

  • wgardner@cfmt.org
  • x158

Whit is the ChildcareTennessee Communications and Marketing Coordinator. He manages the image and brand awareness of the ChildcareTennessee initiative of CFMT. Whit created and executes ChildcareTennessee's bi-weekly e-newsletters to connect child care directors with administrative and cost-saving resources. He also manages and oversees the brand narrative through print and digital media.

He brings over 10 years of copywriting experience to his role, as well as marketing and management experience. Whit worked for the Kroger Company at both the division and store levels. During his time there, he worked on the communications team for the Nashville division and store-side as an Assistant Manager.

An avid outdoorsman, Whit enjoys hitting the trails and rivers of Tennessee, and spending time with his wife and family.

Team Members

Jordan Badura

Jordan Badura

Staff Accountant

  • jbadura@cfmt.org
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Daphne Billingsley

Daphne Billingsley

ChildcareTennessee, Regional Coordinator West

  • dbillingsley@cfmt.org
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Thomas Buford

Thomas Buford

Delek Fund for Hope, Program Director

  • delek@cfmt.org
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