Building a Vibrant Future

Grant Opportunities Supporting Arts, Education, and Mental Health

We are pleased to announce our Community Impact Grants (previously known as Discretionary Grants) to better reflect the true intent and purpose of our grantmaking strategy. These grants will focus on three key areas: Arts & Creative Culture, Child/Youth Development & Education, and Positive Mental Health & Quality of Life. Each of these areas is integral to supporting a vibrant, inclusive community where everyone can thrive.

Middle Tennesseans deserve to experience greater belonging and well-being. CFMT’s Community Impact Grants focus areas align perfectly with our unique capacity to drive meaningful change and honor the generosity of our donors, who have supported these core areas for the past 30 years. Through our Grants program, we continue to build on this legacy, ensuring that our community remains strong, creative, and resilient.

Applying For A Grant

  • Community Impact Grants are classified as unrestricted operating support. Funds can be used at the discretion of the organization to cover any costs necessary to carry out its core mission work within one of CFMT’s focus areas.
  • Applicants may only apply to ONE focus area. Please choose the focus area that best describes your organization’s mission aligned work.
  • Grants are awarded for one-year terms and requests must stay within our guidelines based upon the total size of the organization’s operating budget.
Budget Size Maximum Request
Under $500,000 $15,000
$500,000 to $1,500,000 $20,000
$1,500,000 to $3,000,000 $25,000
$3,000,000 to $5,000,000 $30,000

While CFMT is prioritizing supporting organizations whose total operating budget is less than $5,000,000, those above that amount are still eligible to apply.

Timeline for Community Impact Grants

June 3 – June 30
Application open for submissions

July 7 – Sept. 6:
Applications under review

Oct. 1:
Grants awarded


CFMT’s Community Impact Grants: General Info Virtual Session 

Grant Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions Sample Grant Application 2024 Grant Rubric

An update on JumpStart Grants

Existing JumpStart grantees may be eligible for grant renewal by submitting a final report demonstrating their progress and impact over the past year. CFMT Staff will reach out directly to your organization prior to year-end to discuss this year’s progress.

New organizations, within their first two years of operation, are only eligible to apply for support for our JumpStart grants. New organizations are welcome to apply for our JumpStart grants in 2025.

Contact Information

Adnan Karim

Adnan Karim

Vice President of Community Impact

  • x104
Laundrea Lewis

Laundrea Lewis

Senior Grants Manager

  • x107
Nicole Rose

Nicole Rose Manager

  • x156
Hayley Sulfridge

Hayley Sulfridge Associate

  • x127