• To make a gift online, browse our Fund Library below and search by category or fund name.
  • To make a memorial or honorary gift to any fund, fill in the person’s name as you go through our online donation process.
  • Donations of any size to any fund are welcome and fully tax-deductible.
  • To donate by check, make it out to Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and note the Fund name in the memo line.

Mail your donation to:
Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
P.O. Box 440225
Nashville, TN 37244

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Cigarran Family Advised Fund

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Circle Players’, Inc. Endowment Fund

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Civitts Family Fund

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Clare and Hunter Armistead Advised Fund

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Clarise Ann DeQuasie Fund

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Clarksville Montgomery County Ajax Turner Senior Citizen Center, Inc. Endowment Fund

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Clarksville, Hopkinsville, and Lone Oak Recovery Fund

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Clarksville/Montgomery County Crisis Intervention Center Agency Endowment Fund

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Clay Blevins Charitable Fund

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Clay Neiderheiser Scholarship Fund for Fairview High School

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Coach Bill Etheridge Memorial Fund to benefit The Sports Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

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Coach Edward S. Temple Fund for New Hope Academy

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