• To make a gift online, browse our Fund Library below and search by category or fund name.
  • To make a memorial or honorary gift to any fund, fill in the person’s name as you go through our online donation process.
  • Donations of any size to any fund are welcome and fully tax-deductible.
  • To donate by check, make it out to Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and note the Fund name in the memo line.

Mail your donation to:
Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
P.O. Box 440225
Nashville, TN 37244

Search by Fund type or simply write in the name / keyword of the Fund in the search bar below.

Mary Jones Memorial Fund to Benefit Tenn. Breast Cancer Coalition

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Mary Lauren and Lawson Allen Family Fund

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Mary P. Thompson Fund for Ministry, Education and Rehabilitation for Women in Prison

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MasterCorp People Proud Associate Assistance Fund

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Matthew & Anne Gamble Kennedy Designated Fund for Fisk University

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Matthew N. and Karla N. Diehl Advised Fund

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Matthew W. Wyatt Advised Fund

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Matthews Mission Fund

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Maude Keisling / Cumberland County Extension Homemakers Scholarship Fund

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Max Speyer Advised Fund

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May and John Bumpus Advised Fund

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McCathren Family Advised Fund

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